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  • Writer's picturePallavi Periwal

How can snoring be treated?

Updated: Jul 21, 2021

Snoring can be a bit of a menace especially for your partner. Understand and use some of these strategies to reduce your snoring.

When the snoring is not linked to or does not produce life threatening medical complications, the treatment of snoring mainly is for the bed partner or room-partner of the person who snores.

In some cases there may be a complete elimination of the snoring sound while in other cases the snoring intensity maybe reduced to a great extent. Treatment of snoring is a challenge.

It will depend of the causes of snoring. In some cases minor lifestyle modifications may be needed will in the other cases one might require surgery.

Here I list a few strategies you can try.

1. Weight reduction: Weight loss can lead to reduction in the fatty loose tissue around the neck and thus lead to reduction in the vibrations that produce the sound. Although it is easier said than done, it is one of the most effective strategies to reduce snoring.

2. Sleep posture: Change your sleep posture from lying down flat straight to sleeping on your side. This gives a larger passage for the air to flow and thus reduces the snoring. If your partner tends to sleep on their back, try and nudge them in a lateral position while they sleep.

Some people even tape a tennis ball to their backs to avoid sleeping supine.

3. Head end elevation: Some people find it difficult to sleep on their sides. In such a case, try elevating the head end by 2-4 inches. This prevents the complete collapse of airway and reduces the snoring to some extent.

4. Avoid alcohol: Alcohol tends to relax the muscles and so the throat muscles become floppy, narrowing the airway and produce the sound. Avoid alcohol especially prior to sleeping.

5. Treatment of nasal allergies and throat problems: If you suffer from chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, enlarged tonsils and adenoids, you need to get yourself treated for the same.

6. Dental devices: These devices are referred to as oral appliances or mandibular advancement devices. They are made by a dentist to ensure a correct fit without causing problems. There are some disadvantage with using these such as excessive salivation and temporo-mandibular joint problems. You need to consult a dental physician to ensure proper use.

7. Nasal devices: Certain nasal devices or strips are available and of use in people whose cause of snoring is narrowing of the anterior part of the nose. These devices when applied outside the nose as strips. However, to date there is limited research on its role.

8. CPAP devices: People who suffer from moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea require treatment with a continuous positive airway pressure device. This keeps the air passage open by providing a positive air pressure. A pulmonologist or sleep medicine physician will be able to help by determining the pressure required for your condition.

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